
Evaluate the company's environmental impact and sustainability, managing greenhouse gas emissions, air quality, carbon footprint, energy use, fuels, water resources, waste management, biodiversity, product packaging, and logistics, among other operational issues.


Evaluate the company's management of the supply chain, labor relations, employee health, safety, and well-being, diversity in the workplace, compensation and benefits, recruitment and career development, human rights, customer privacy, and safety, among other issues.


Evaluate the company's management and its transparency, such as internal audit and governance policies, systematic risk management, incident and safety management, business ethics, political influence, competitive behavior, and supply chain management.

Continuous improvement.

Continuously improve our ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) policies and practices to achieve higher goals and ensure sustainable operations.

Specific policies

In response to the European Union's Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (carbon border tax) scheduled to be implemented from 2023, Unicon Appliances will begin conducting a carbon audit mechanism from 2023 onwards to understand the sources and total amount of greenhouse gas emissions generated by its operations, in order to protect the environment.

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